Olive Grove of Makri
Olive Grove of Makri
If the Cave of Cyclops and the magnificent beach are characteristic sights of Makri, the most amazing sight in the area is its ancient olive grove. Numbering some 220,000 trees and producing the famous, special olive oil of Protected Designation of Origin, the olive grove is one of the oldest in the Mediterranean, with trees that have roots dating back to ancient times and a variety of olive trees that are cultivated only there.
The impressive spectacle is as much about the size of the olive grove as it is about the age of the trees. Olives up to 2,500 years old, with huge trunks and rare branches that have survived through time to bear fruit for every population that has cultivated them over the centuries. Reports from the post-Byzantine period already refer to 'huge olive trees', which the care of the inhabitants has kept in good condition to this day. In the essential walk of the visitor of Alexandroupolis to Makri, the olive grove is an essential stop for admiration, photography and contact with the ancient aura that the olive trees carry in their "old" but still healthy trunks.