Nautical Week
Nautical Week
The Maritime Week is a special, multi-day celebration of the city, with a number of events that honour seafaring and the long-standing relationship of the residents with the sea. It is held under the auspices of the Municipality of Alexandroupolis, with the support of the Holy Metropolis of Alexandroupolis, Traianoupolis and Samothrace and the Alexandroupolis Port Authority, with the participation of sports and cultural clubs, apprenticeship schools, artists, scientists and volunteer groups.
During the Nautical Week, sporting events (beach volleyball and badminton matches on the sand, kite surfing, wind surfing and skate boarding courses), cultural events (poetry, dance and music nights), events (fishing lessons, live cooking, informative discussions on shipping and seamanship), events (fishing lessons, live cooking, informative discussions on shipping and seamanship), and a wide range of other activities, awards for students) and Lighthouse Square becomes a celebratory meeting place for residents and visitors alike to come together with the sea and its catalytic relationship with the human factor, especially in a city that identifies its history, economy and culture with it.
Maritime Week 2022 takes place from 15 to 23 July with events in the Lighthouse Square, the coastal redevelopment, the coastal boulevard and Agios Euplos.